How The Dark Web Works

What makes the dark web so dark? Join us for a deep dive into the inner workings of the darkest corners of the internet. Come along for a guided tour of the criminal underground and see first-hand how hackers and criminals use the anonymity of the dark web to sell their goods and hide their crimes. We’ll also cover how the dark web can be used for good by enabling spies, journalists, and others to protect their privacy. In this talk, we’ll discuss:
– What the dark web really is
– The technology that makes it work
– Hacker portals and stolen data brokers
– Dark web markets and their products
– Law enforcement takedowns
– Why you might want to use the dark web
– And more!
Finally, we’ll discuss how the dark web and the underground economy it provides are directly related to the latest cyber threats, enabling hackers to buy malware, 0-day exploits, and much more.
Director of Training and Research
LMG Security
Matt Durrin is the Director of Training and Research at LMG Security and a Senior Consultant with the organization. He is an instructor at the international Black Hat USA conference, where he has taught classes on ransomware and data breaches. Matt has conducted cybersecurity seminars, tabletop exercises and classes for thousands of attendees in all sectors, including banking, retail, healthcare, government, and more. He is also the co-author of a new book, Ransomware and Cyber Extortion: Response and Prevention. A seasoned cybersecurity and IT professional, Matt specializes in ransomware response and research, as well as deployment of proactive cybersecurity solutions. Matt holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Montana, and his malware research has been featured on NBC Nightly News.