Virtual CISO

Organizations need a qualified, designated individual in the CISO role, but experienced CISOs are hard to find. Whether you are looking for strategic leadership or you need to comply with regulatory changes, customer requirements, or insurance requests, our vCISO program delivers a highly qualified strategic leader and an optional team of experts to augment your cybersecurity team.

Our Virtual CISO Services Include:

Highly qualified CISO leadership with deep expertise

An assessment of your organization’s unique needs

A customized annual roadmap to continually enhance your cybersecurity posture

Ongoing guidance on how to adapt to evolving threats

Why do organizations need Virtual CISO Services? 

Most organizations realize that cybersecurity risk is business risk and recognize the need for strategic cybersecurity leadership and planning. However, an experienced CISO commands an average salary of $230k plus benefits, and demand for these experts is high—making them hard to find and hire. Whether you need a designated individual in the CISO role for strategic leadership, to comply with regulatory changes, or to respond to customer/insurance requirements, a fractional CISO can deliver the expertise you need.

To provide the cybersecurity expertise you organization needs, a qualified CISO should have: 

  • At least 6 years of work experience in cybersecurity or a related field  
  • Deep expertise in information security, risk management, IT, and governance  
  • At least one certification specific to cybersecurity
  • The ability to fit with your organization’s culture and team dynamics to successfully communicate cross-departmentally and collaborate with your leadership team  

Every organization needs an experienced CISO or security leader. In fact, a recent study found that having a CISO appointed decreased the average cost of a breach by $130,086. But skilled CISOs are hard to find and expensive to hire. Unless you are a large enterprise organization, our virtual CISO services can save you money, provide the skilled leadership you need, and help you meet cyber insurance and compliance requirements.

An Overview of LMG Security’s Virtual CISO Program

We recognize that every organization is at a different level of cyber maturity, and every plan will be customized to suit your organization’s unique needs and budget. Your LMG vCISO will take a phased approach that includes the following steps: 

  • Onboarding – An initial assessment of your organization’s unique needs and security posture 
  • Roadmap – Development of an annual roadmap to ensure your vCISO services are prioritized to deliver the best cybersecurity for your budget and gradually grow your cybersecurity posture
  • Ongoing Guidance – Your vCISO will work with you throughout the year to provide services, guidance on countering new threats, and regular oversight
  • Optional Threat Briefings – You can also get regular executive and/or IT threat briefings about the latest threat trends and attack tactics to keep your organization one step ahead of today’s attackers.

Virtual CISO services are one of the best ways to cost-effectively prioritize and continuously strengthen your cybersecurity posture. 

Why Choose LMG Security’s Virtual CISO Services?

LMG’s Virtual CISO Services provides access to a team of cybersecurity professionals with the background and expertise to successfully plan and enhance your cybersecurity posture. When you hire LMG, you’ll be matched with a virtual CISO that has experience suited to your industry and will be a guaranteed, dedicated resource. You also have access to our team of cybersecurity experts and resources to augment your internal team.

Our expert team stays at the forefront of technology and includes cybersecurity experts that teach and speak at major industry events such as Black Hat, RSA, and DEFCON, and train state agencies, boards, and Fortune 500 companies. They are experienced leaders who can provide strategic guidance and even mentor your team. Several of our team members are acknowledged industry experts who are published cybersecurity authors and have been quoted in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Today Show, NBC, and many others.  

With LMG Security’s Virtual CISO services, you benefit from the efficiencies and expertise gained from our team’s work serving hundreds of other clients. In addition, you’ll have access to additional support—every vCISO on our team is supported by specialists and peers who can augment their work should you require specific expertise or additional assistance.  

Learn More

Contact our team discuss your organization’s needs and learn more about our vCISO service.