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Understanding the Proposed HIPAA Security Rule Updates & Why You Should Take Action Now
Last year, the records of 82% of the United States population were exposed, stolen, or disclosed without permission, according to the HIPAA Journal. With AI making cyberattacks faster, increasingly sophisticated, and harder to spot, it’s no surprise that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed HIPAA Security Rule updates to strengthen […]
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The Critical Role of API Penetration Testing in Your Web App Security Strategy
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The Insider’s Guide to the Rise of Infostealer Malware, Password Spraying, Brute Force, and Credential Stuffing Attacks
Pen Testing, Web application security
Why Web Application Security Assessments Should Move Up Your To-Do List
Cyberattacks, Pen Testing
A Real-World Cyber Attack Simulation: How a Hacker Can Breach Your Organization in One Weekend
Pen Testing, Security contols, Security Controls Reports
Top Cybersecurity Control for Q4 2023: Penetration Testing
Pen Testing, Web application security